April 6, 2010

Gold hat

Uta and I decided on a whim to be tourists in our own town. Kizuki was out cold in the carrier so we walked through the East Village trying on hats and sunglasses galore. We had french fries from Pommes Frites followed by frozen yogurt with over the top toppings. Uta no longer gets my full attention. Since Kiki's birth, he gets little attention at all. He has to be patient, and helpful, and wait. Mostly he doesn't seem to mind, he is old enough to understand. But I do feel bad for him. Some times out of guilt and exhaustion I find myself saying yes to things I should absolutely say no to. This is how Uta landed this gold sequined hat.


Thi Bui said...

Ha! I love it.

Shanta said...

Uta rocks that gold hat!