April 26, 2008

Playing Indian

Playing Indian, stick races down a river bend, skipping stones, sleeping in the car, smashing a watermelon, spotting deer, visiting the stone cathedral, fishing for tadpoles, tasting wild watercress, eating gnats (intentionally!), new names (chickadee, cowbird, goldfinch, nuthatch), tossing up prayers for a dead robin, watering the garden, washing the cars, roasting hot dogs on the bonfire, listening to peepers, balancing on a fallen tree to cross the great swamp, pockets full with precious rock finds, discovering garnets, treasures from the bottle shop, eating too much ice cream, picking daffodils, playing all alone outside, looking for signs of beavers, crawling inside a hollow tree. Very happy days. Thanks to S-e, Grandpa Bill, Grandma S, Luna, and Kisa for such a lovely visit.

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