March 15, 2008

Moving Day

We were very lucky to have two good friends help us move. Really good friends. Good friends willing to carry heavy heavy boxes down from our old third floor walk up and up to our new second floor apartment. Too too many boxes, and garbage bags, and bicycles, drawings, and cumbersome furniture. It was a very long day too, lasting  from 11:00 in the morning to 8:00 at night. It was a day worse than the toughest boot camp,  like being on a possessed stair master that is running at top speed but won't let the rider go free. Really really good friends. I am so grateful to them. Thank you.

And as if that were not enough, as the u-haul pulled up to the new place to prepare to unload, another dear friend arrived toting the most beautiful and delicious homemade bento. Together we all enjoyed a picnic lunch on the floor and our new apartment took a giant step closer to feeling like home.  Thank you.

Uta, however, was most impressed with his artful arrangement of fork and spoon. (Picnic photos courtesy of Uta.)

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