July 31, 2009

House of cards

Finding a comfortable position for sleep is like balancing a house of cards. I stack my pillows to support my growing stomach, prop up cushions to ward off the persistant ache in my back, and fruitlessly position my body atop it all to stop the burning in my upper torso. More often than not my efforts collapse in a sleepless heap of pain. I have met woman who love being pregnant, who look fantastic, and who would willingly repeat this process again and again. Hats off to them. I am no such woman. I wish I were four inches taller and could cart this watermelon sized uterus about with a bit more grace. I am presently in full fledged waddle mode. Sitting, standing, and reclining are all equally troublesome. Ideally I would crawl into a cave and wait out the remainder of my pregnancy in complete isolation, only to reemerge a normal functioning person again, plus baby. Speaking of the baby, she's great. She kicks and shimmies and squirms through the night, making the book I have perched upon her back bounce clear off my belly. I can do nothing but laugh at myself and delight in the moment. Five more weeks to go.

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