July 20, 2010


In the six times that I have been to Japan I have only seen Mt. Fuji once, and that was from the air, flying in to Tokyo. That spotting was only by chance, when I happened to lift the window shade for a bit of light. I was alone with Uta, who slept  through the sighting, despite my over excited prodding him and picture snapping. 

There is something so magical about Mt. Fuji, like a dragon, as large as the sky,  just touching down to earth for a moment's nap. The quiet stillness emanating is eerie and powerful.

The times we've attempted to see Fuji-san intentionally all ended in disappointment, do to cloudy, overcast conditions. But this great mountain's aversion to being seen only makes the seeing of her that much more spectacular. This time around, on our drive to Tokyo, we were lucky enough to have clear skies, and Fuji-san appeared, standing unabashedly before us like a great prehistoric queen.


sunairi said...

Fuji-san looks beautiful! How's everything, Tina, Hiroshi, uta and Kizuki-san? Hiroshi NY

Tina said...

Thanks Hiroshi. We are have a great time. See you in NY!