July 27, 2010


Right now Uta is so in love with Japan he can see no faults. He scolds me daily for not being Japanese, and says I should try harder to learn the language. He wants to stay for six more months, certain that that is all it will take for him to be fluent. He wants more than anything to talk to his Pop in his native tongue. I understand his desire. To see Papa H in his home country, laughing and speaking Japanese, makes us feel we may be missing out on the best part of who he is. Language is so much more than words. And maybe Papa's heart, the whole of it, simply cant be translated into english. Uta's efforts are admirable and his Japanese improves in leaps and bounds every day. He is determined and brave and I too think it would be unjust not to give him the opportunity to really learn to speak. But not everything is better in Japan. And even Uta would agree. The pizza is down right awful.

1 comment:

Thi Bui said...

That's wonderful. I can certainly identify. If he keeps working he will be able to understand his papa in Japanese. Speaking fluently is tough...I'm 35 and I still can't speak the way I want to to my dad.