November 29, 2010

More on Uta

The first visit to the doctor just ruled stuff out, no strep, ears good, chest clear.  The doctor concluded it must be one of the many viruses running around. But seven days from the start of it and Uta is no better, in fact I'd say he's a bit worse. He has a fever that rockets up and above 104 throughout the day and night and a cough that wont give him a moments rest. His appetite is nonexistent. Today he managed a single bite of toast, nothing more. A week and counting on this diet has already transformed his once solid blue belt frame into a wisp of his former self. So back to the doctor for a second round of prodding. This time the doctor did not like the way Uta's lungs sounded and diagnosed him with pneumonia. He has been started on antibiotics. Hopefully now we'll start seeing some improvement.

1 comment:

Thi Bui said...

poor guy. we wish you a speedy recovery, Uta!