May 9, 2008

Now I get it

Ok, I know I'm at risk for sounding like an old fogey, but I never understood the trend of leaving stickers, labels, protective coverings (price tags?) and the like on baseball caps. In my opinion baseball caps look best when they are sun-bleached and worn out, like you've slept in it everyday of your life, a true fan. But that's just me, apparently.

The other day Uta explained this fad to me in simple terms that I could understand.... 

In the wake of Uta's Yankee stadium trauma he began wearing a Met's cap. His love for the Yankees hasn't waned exactly, he still pretends to be discovered by Joe at the park, but his yankee cap is decisively at the bottom of the hat basket. Everyday he choses the orange and blue. A silent protest, I guess.

On the way to school a few days ago, I noticed that Uta's Met's cap still had a round sticker on the underside of the lid. (Oh No! Not my kid too!) The conversation that followed went something like this...

Me: Oops, we forgot to pull that label off.
Uta: I don't want to take it off.
Me: Why not? 
Uta: Because its SOOOO shiny.

Now I get it! Kids are like crows, they covet all thats sparkly.

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