August 4, 2009

Climbing the Walls

Maybe there are benefits to boredom. At least this is what I must tell myself to appease the guilt of having this boy entertaining himself most days. I had high hopes for the summer, field trips and exciting activities, but my aspirations have all but fizzled. I can just barely handle the mundane chores of my normal life. If ever there were two souls on conflicting tracks it is this Mama-son duo... Uta is climbing the walls, and I am fighting constantly the overwhelming urge to crawl back in bed. Boredom has the boy digging deep for inspiration. There was certainly an adjustment period, where for days I heard nothing out of his mouth but "I'm Bored! Bored, bored, BORED!" But to his credit Uta has adapted. And I have not heard the dreaded 'B' word in weeks. He keeps busy, and happy, even settling into precious moments of complete absorption in some self generated project. The quiet is golden. Mostly these projects revolve around legos. Like now, Uta is transforming one of his mini figures into bat-girl, and I have not heard a peep put of him for a solid hour.

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