November 24, 2009

White belt

Uta is in pursuit of a black belt. He doesn't quite get it though, that there is work to be done to earn it. Its not an effortless path he's stepped onto. When he was given his white belt he was also given a syllabus of what is to be learned in order to be promoted to an orange belt. I've explained this to Uta but its a reality he seems ill equipped to handle. He likes to say, "What if Sensei thinks I'm soo good he just gives me a black belt right away?" Not going to happen. Not ever, never, ever. Even if you are so so soo good. But his eyes glaze over with a veil of make believe and my words don't have a chance of penetrating. 

We signed Uta up for Karate due to a bit of late onset jealousy. About a month after Kizuki was born Uta started having these bouts of pure rage. He would scream at the top of his lungs the most venomous words he could think up and flail about like a feral child. It was frightening and heart breaking to witness. I never imagined such anger possible from him. But there he was, despite my disbelief, punching the wall with all his might and telling me to "GET OUT!" 

I hoped Karate would provide a bit of an outlet for his frustrations, or even just a temporary distraction from it all. If nothing else, it might just be fun for him, and he would get to look really cool in his uniform. Turns out to be all of that and more. Ganbate Uta kun! (You can do it!)

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